Story Spotlight: 5th Order Ravenous Maw Part 1

The Obsidian Covenant is a vast and far-reaching entity that weaves its influence throughout Astarath. From the shadowy chambers of the Conclave, where the Covenant’s leaders craft their strategies to spread the light of Obsidian, to the sprawling halls of the Authority, a monolithic organization that sustains and controls the population, the Obsidian Covenant’s presence is felt across every corner of the world.
Many of the organizations within the Covenant operate in secrecy, hidden in the shadows. However, one entity stands in plain sight, its presence undeniable—the Obsidian Orders. These massive military forces are designed to act with near autonomy, spreading the faith of Obsidian across Astarath at the tip of a sword. True to the Covenant's nature, the Orders are meticulously organized, though they are granted freedom in their day-to-day activities, training, and discipline. The Covenant's influence, however, ensures that their structure remains uniform and disciplined.

- Order: The highest level, representing the overarching mission and guiding principles of the Covenant. This is the realm of the most senior leaders, including Grand Masters, Marshals, Grand Exarchs and other high-ranking members of Obsidian. An orders leader is a Grand Master.
- Battalion: Each Battalion is a large and formidable force within the Covenant, typically consisting of several Cohorts. Battalions are led by Marshals who are responsible for large-scale operations and campaigns.
- Cohort: A Cohort is a smaller unit within a Battalion, focused on specific missions or regions. Cohort leaders are tasked with executing the strategies handed down from the Battalion commanders and ensuring the discipline and effectiveness of their troops. A Cohort is led by a Grand Exarch.
- Company: Companies are the fighting heart of the Covenant, each made up of multiple Troops. These units are often deployed on the front lines of battle, engaging directly with the Covenant's enemies. Companies are specialized into infantry, cavalry, siege and engineering corps, etc. A company is lead by an Exarch.
- Troop: Within each Company are several Troops, specialized groups of warriors who work closely together. Troops are often assigned to particular tasks or regions, making them versatile and adaptable in their approach to warfare and order maintenance. Troops are lead by Archons.
- Section: The smallest operational unit in the hierarchy, Sections are composed of individual warriors. Each Section operates with precision and coordination, often carrying out the most dangerous and direct missions against the Covenant's foes. Sections are led by a Captain. It is up to the discretion of the Captain if they will break down their section into further Units.
5th Order Ravenous Maw
The Ravenous Maw, unlike the other nine orders, is a highly specialized force dedicated to battling the monstrous beasts that plague Astarath. The world has a long history of ancient, colossal creatures lurking in its shadows, poised to unleash devastation upon the unsuspecting. The Ravenous Maw was originally formed to combat the horrors within the Kith Forest, and their unparalleled success led the Obsidian Conclave to ordain them as the 5th Order—Ravenous Maw. As the smallest of the Orders, with only fifty thousand soldiers, the Ravenous Maw operates at the Company and Troop level, spread thinly across the world, rather than in large formations.

The Ravenous Maw also distinguishes itself with a unique style of dress that sets it apart from the other Orders. While most Orders, like the Crimson Eclipse with their red uniforms or the Azure Claw with their blue, organize around a specific color, the Ravenous Maw wears a varied palette of reds and grays. However, their most striking feature is the incorporation of bones into their armor. As a tradition within the order, warriors affix the bones of creatures they have slain to their armor, creating a visceral testament to their victories. Veterans of the Ravenous Maw are easily recognizable by the array of bones adorning their gear, marking their experience and prowess in battle.
As the Obsidian Covenant continues its relentless crusade across Astarath, the role of the Ravenous Maw remains a vital one, standing as a testament to the order's adaptability and ferocity in the face of monstrous threats. In future articles, we will delve deeper into the intricate dynamics between the Ravenous Maw and the other Orders, explore the training and recruitment that forge these elite warriors, and uncover the rich tapestry of rituals, traditions, and lore that shape their existence. Stay tuned as we unravel more of the mysteries and might of the Obsidian Covenant, offering a closer look at the forces that drive this formidable organization.